IIT-Bombay Levied Rs 10,000 Fine On Protestors For Violating Mess Rules

The Mess Council of hostel numbers 12, 13, and 14 at IIT Bombay has imposed a fine of Rs 10,000 on a student for 'unruly behavior' and 'violation of mess rules.'



The Mess Council of hostel numbers 12, 13, and 14 at IIT Bombay has imposed a fine of Rs 10,000 on a student for "unruly behavior" and "violation of mess rules." This action was taken in response to a protest by three students who ate non-vegetarian food in an area designated for vegetarian food.

The Mess Council at IIT Bombay has levied a Rs 10,000 fine on a student for consuming non-vegetarian food at a table that is designated for vegetarian meals in the mess. Additionally, disciplinary measures are pending for two other students. Presently, one student has been identified, and efforts are underway to identify the other two. The Ambedkar Periyar Phule Study Circle, an informal student organization, expressed its discontent with the hostel administration's actions in a social media post, likening it to a "Khap Panchayat working to maintain untouchability in modern times."

Deliberate Violation of Mess Rules

The Mess Council convened a meeting to address the students' disruptive behavior and violations of mess regulations. This meeting involved four professors and three student representatives, including the warden. Based on the available evidence, it was determined that the students knowingly breached the mess rules during dinner on September 28.

An Attempt to Disrupt Peace and Harmony

During the meeting, the council stated that there was a premeditated effort to disturb the peace and harmony within the mess. The students disregarded advice provided by the Associate Dean. The Council has also enlisted the help of student representatives from three hostels to identify the remaining two students. They have urged all students to cooperate in maintaining a cordial and peaceful atmosphere within the mess. These students were protesting the Mess Council's decision for allocating six tables exclusively for vegetarian dining in the hostel mess. However, their protest has been termed "individual civil disobedience."

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