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Yoga, Breathing Exercises and Meditation Techniques – All Good Stress Busters

Discover the path to a serene and calm life with yoga, breathing exercises and meditative techniques that help you with a calm mind that paves the way for a healthy body filled with tranquility amidst the chaos of life.
02:31 PM Apr 10, 2024 IST | Health Desk

Are you stressed out and on the verge of a breakdown? Hold on there and relax because here are a few ways in which you can avert disaster and remain as cool as a cucumber. We will explore various yoga poses, breathing exercises and meditation techniques that might benefit you.


Yoga Poses

Stress is a silent killer in today’s chaotic life of modern man. It is the cause of multiple ailments and conditions in people. It can accelerate blood pressure, heart diseases, fatigue, digestive issues, depression, lack of focus and anxiety. To avoid them here are a few yoga poses that could alleviate stress and promote relaxation. These are only a few that have been named. 

Yoga Poses for Stress Busting

With yoga poses for stress relief, there are plenty of benefits like low blood pressure, improved respiratory function, increased lung capacity and steady heart rates. They also augment the hormone production of the body that sets in a sense of calm and happiness in the person practicing it. Here is a list of some of the best yoga poses:


Other poses include eagle pose (garudasana), bridge pose (setu bandha sarvangasana), extended triangle pose (utthita trikonasana), cat pose (marjaryasana), legs-up-the-wall pose (viparita karani) and corpse pose (savasana). 

Also read - International Yoga Day 2023: History, Significance, All You Need To Know


Breathing Exercises

Breathing is one of the most powerful ways of palliating stress and reducing anxiety. There are quite a few breathing exercises that could be practiced for this purpose. They are:

Other breathing exercises include progressive muscle relaxation and modified lion’s breath.

Meditation Techniques

Meditation can bring in a world of relief and a sense of calm and peace will prevail if done correctly. Here are a few simple meditation techniques to follow:

Other meditative techniques that can be used are mantra meditation, walking meditation and loving-kindness meditation. 


With so many means and methods to destress yourself, here is to a good and healthy way of living. So get started with yoga, breathing exercises and meditation techniques. 

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#meditationBenefits Of YogaBreathingHeath remedies