Climb Your Way To Heart Health: How Daily Stair Climbing Reduces Heart Disease Risk By 20%
Staying physically active is the key to good health. It not only signifies exercise and yoga; some small habits play a vital role in daily routine. One of these habits is climbing stairs regularly. Climbing stairs strengthens muscles at large and drastically reduces the risk associated with heart-related diseases, such as heart attack.
Stair Climbing Reduces Heart Risk
Climbing 50 stairs every day can drastically decrease the risk of heart disease. Those who climb stairs have up to 20% lesser chances of heart disease as compared to others. This very clearly indicates that even if you are not able to find time for going to the gym or taking long walks, take a deep breath and do not worry.
If you climb 50 stairs every day, it can help decrease the risk to a large extent. People who climb stairs have as much as up to 20% lower risk of heart disease compared to others. This itself explains that even if you cannot make time for going to the gym or taking long walks, there is absolutely no need to worry about it.
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The findings of the study are that stair climbing improves the level of high-density lipoprotein in the body otherwise known as good cholesterol. Otherwise, the levels of low-density lipoprotein are reduced and this is the bad cholesterol that blocks the heart, thus greatly reducing the potential of attack.
Climbing stairs will help in many ways by first offering care to the heart and reducing obesity. This strengthens the joints with a feeling of strength in the bones.
Climbing stairs alone may not help. A balanced diet along with sufficient sleep and a stress-free life is a must to keep the heart healthy. Also, one should avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol completely.
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