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Simple Yoga for Back Pain Relief for Comfort and Pain-Free Living

Are you tired of back pain taking over your life and walking all over you? If so, then it’s time to bid adieu to it all with our simple yoga routine that offers a soothing solution. Unleash the joy of life and freedom of movement by diving head-on into our yoga steps.
11:45 AM Apr 27, 2024 IST | Lifestyle Desk
simple yoga for back pain relief for comfort and pain free living
Yoga for Back Pain Relief

Yoga is an extremely ancient tradition that traces its roots back to ancient India. Until very recently it was dubbed as rubbish, however, that is all in the past. Today it is hailed as one of the wonders in the modern western as well as eastern world. Here we will read on to know some of the most simple and easy yoga for back pain relief.

Simple and Easy Yoga Poses for Back Pain for Beginners

Yoga is definitely a low-impact way of losing weight and gaining relief from certain physical conditions. However, even if they are low-impact on the body and cause no physical strain yet their effects are high. So here we will go on to read how back pain can be a thing of the past.

Yoga Poses for Beginners

1. Sphinx Pose

This is one of those poses that bring relief to the lower back muscles. It is safe and easy to follow for patients afflicted with sciatica pain from herniated discs.

2. Cat-Cow Pose

They are actually two different poses but practiced as one. The pose is gentle yet extremely effective for the lower back.

3. Modified Down Dog Pose

This is one of the popular yoga poses for back pain. It may be difficult for people with painful hands and wrists but is otherwise effective on the lower back muscles.

Also read Waking Up To A Flexible and Mobile Body with Yoga

A Few Advanced Yoga Poses for Back Pain

1. Downward-Facing Dog

It is a traditional bending pose that is very relaxing, rejuvenating and restful at the same time. It helps in alleviating back pain and sciatica. It also rectifies imbalances in the body and helps to improve strength. It works various muscles like the hamstrings, deltoids, gluteus maximus, triceps and quadriceps.

2. Extended Triangle

This is one of the classic standing poses that help in minimizing sciatica, backache and neck pain. This pose also stretches the spine, hips and groin and helps to strengthen the shoulders, chest and legs. By practicing this pose, it aids in relieving stress and anxiety. The muscles that get worked up for this pose are latissimus dorsi, internal oblique, gluteus maximus & medius, hamstrings and quadriceps.

3. Cobra pose

It is one of those gentle back bending poses that will fully stretch out the abdomen, chest and shoulders. It will strengthen the spine and tranquilize sciatica. Stress and fatigue as a result of back pain will bid adieu with this pose. Cobra pose works up the hamstrings, gluteus maximus, deltoids, triceps and serratus anterior.

So much for the poses with this comprehensive list and now here is wishing you good luck in your journey with yoga poses for back pain relief.

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